
Wednesday, September 29, 2021

My wall of fame


This is my wall of fame I hope you enjoy/


  1. Hi Pita
    Huge thanks for your effort with turning up regularly to our online meetings and completing your HL tasks to the best of your ability.
    I have enjoyed being able keep up with your learning and how much you have helped at home with
    Have an awesome term break!
    Mr N

  2. Hi Pita,
    This looks so cool! I have never seen something like this!
    What was the reason you had to post this on your blog? maybe next time you could write a blurb on why you posted this on your blog.
    Are you excited for term 4? I am slightly at my school.
    Anyway, I really enjoyed reading your blog post and I hope you have a good day! Bye!

  3. Kia Ora Pita

    I liked how you said that you like helping you class and your goal is to keep helping them in term 4 nice work you did really good hope you do more about your goals and other stuff. I loved how you put effort and detail in your work this must of took you a long time. Next time you could say why you did this and what it was for other wise it was very good.

    How long did it take?

    Was it fun?

    From Tama
